Known as “the American gentleman” this sturdy little dog with his alert and gentle expression, was recognised by the AKC in the early 1890’s. Bred down from English Bulldogs and white English Terriers, he is lively and friendly, yet can well take care of himself, though not inclined to be a scrapper.

A well balanced compact dog with body more terrier than bulldog, he is a short coated breed of either brindle, seal or black colour with specific white markings.

Coat is smooth and fine in texture and his whites described as “snowy white”.

As with all short coated breeds, the work of maintenance is just as paramount as the long haired or double coated breeds. Whilst one can be forgiven for thinking it is a rather wash and wear coat, there is much care to be taken keeping this coat showable at all times. Nothing worse than the coat exhibiting patchy holes, as if the moths had chewed it, from shedding.

The secrets to this coat are in advance work and long term preparation. Protect, condition and maintain at all times.

Firstly, whether show time or not, it’s best to weekly bath, oil and blow dry. Yes blow dry!!! Blow drying with a cool dryer ensures all dead hair is removed allowing the new coat to regenerate and oiling allows you to wash and dry every week without fear of dehydration. This prevents that “moth eaten” appearance.

So, dilute all shampoos at least 5:1 i.e. 5 parts water to one part shampoo as this allows even dispersion of all the extracts which are the hallmark of Plush Puppy shampoos. They really do achieve a definite outcome.

You can also use the Whitening Shampoo on the body of the coat. It will deepen the coloured parts of the coat.

Plush Puppy Wonder Blok. This product is one of our proudest achievements in helping to maintain a white stain free coat. It’s not a bleach and contains no harmful chemicals but with the use of modern technology and high amounts of naturally sourced vegetable surfactants and glycerine, this product is designed to gently remove unwanted warm/red tones to the coat. Best used on a damp/wet coat. Gently rub into the areas required, allow time (5-10 minutes) and rinse. For maximum effects repeat or allow a longer time for this amazing product to work. As with all products take care around eyes.

If shine is paramount, then use the Whitening Shampoo on the white areas and Plush Puppy All Purpose Shampoo (for shine) on the coloured areas ensuring you dilute 5:1 as advised above.

Now for the face area use Plush Puppy “Let’s Face It”.

Plush Puppy Let’s Face It Shampoo. It is what the dog showing world has needed for way too long. Another one of the famous Plush Puppy products that with the latest of technology and the highest amounts of naturally sourced ingredients has developed into a product that is a must! This is a hypoallergenic sulfate free low foaming shampoo designed for faces. It’s a nil fragrance, no tear formula with the highest quality Blue Cypress Extracts, Panthenol with Pro Vitamin B and SugaNate. These special ingredients clean, sooth, add moisture, aids healing and has anti-inflammatory benefits. A small golf ball sized amounts directly to the face and eye area allows you to thoroughly clean without causing irritation. Can be used in and around ears also with the same benefits. Its low foaming design allows easy of rinsing yet complete cleaning.

For between shows, use Plush Puppy Seabreeze Oil diluted well in warm water, 1/2 teaspoon to 500 ml water. Saturate the coat and leave in – do not rinse out. This will protect the skin and coat and allow you to constantly wash and dry without fear of over doing the coat. It is comprised of Evening Primrose and Calendula oils and is magnificent for giving great hydration and healthy vigour. Terrific if you have a dog that is inclined to have a scurfy skin.

You would then apply Plush Puppy Reviva Coat onto the dry coat during the week, approx. every second day. This is a leave in moisturiser without being greasy. Just a walnut sized amount smeared all over the head and topline especially. Wonderful for all coats and colours.

A good deep treatment once a month, is a mix of 2 teaspoons Plush Puppy Coat Rescue, 1/2tspn Seabreeze Oil and 2tspns Plush Puppy Silk Protein Conditioner. Add enough warm water to make a sloppy slurry and smear it by hand, all over the dog. Leave for as long as possible and then rinse off.

For show presentation, use the shampoos as described above but do not use the Seabreeze Oil.

Instead mix 1/2tspn Silk Protein Conditioner with 500mls warm water and using a large sponge, saturate the coat with the conditioner mix and leave for 2 mins and rinse. This is better than applying non diluted conditioner to the coat and ensures even softness and application. Now blow dry using a coolish dryer and keeping the coat lying flat and smooth.

On show day apply a tiny bit of Plush Puppy Chalkestral with your finger tips to the white areas to assist holding the white powder you apply. You need something to help grip and to protect the coat from abrasion. Best of all is Plush Puppy Fairy Frost Regular, an ultra-fine, super white, really clingy powder. It won’t go clumpy when wet on those rainy days at outdoor shows either. Plus, it stays on well, really clinging, unlike chalks and powder. You can sneak in a tiny amount of Plush Puppy Pixie Dust. I do say a tiny amount and add it into the Fairy Frost Regular. This will pick up glints of light especially in the sun but you don’t overdo it. It’s meant to be subtle.

Yes you need Plush Puppy Wonder Wash to clean off the Fairy Frost Regular or chalk or powder after the show if you are not re-bathing for the next day. It just freshens up the coat and stops the whites from looking artificial. Apply, foam with your hands and towel dry off. Next day for the show, redo the Chalkestral and then the Fairy Frost Regular applying always with a brush such as a shaving brush or a fine bristle brush. (Don’t forget to turn off the nozzle on the Wonder Wash when you have finished using it).

Just prior to ring time, give the dog a light brush over with a soft brush such as Plush Puppy Pure Bristle Brush and a light mist of Plush Puppy Shine & Comb. With the Boston it’s best not to spray directly onto this fine coat, but preferably spray onto the brush or well above the coat approx. 30cms and let the mist fall onto the coat, this will give a final boost to the shine and lustre of the coat.

See, there is a lot one can do for a Boston coat! It may seem arduous and over the top, but the discipline of doing this all the time becomes easier and the coats benefit greatly. Besides, the dogs seem to enjoy all the attention and it is quite relaxing and therapeutic for the owner too.

Now let’s see the same determination from your Boston, exhibiting his strength and graceful carriage as he sure footedly works his way around the ring all with a lively expression, moving with a style of high order. High order indeed!

This breed really is a knockout in the ring and pound for pound, can stand out as surely as if he were a big dog. He is one smart dog in all ways.